Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sleep and Relaxation

Tell me, when you go to sleep do you feel relaxed mentally and physically? Or do you feel tense? Is you mind racing with thoughts? Are you getting stressed and aggravated because you are not falling asleep? Are you tossing, turning and feeling restless? And most importantly, are you trying to sleep?

If you were able to attain complete relaxation mentally and physically during bedtime do you think you would be able to sleep? If your life was completely void of stress, worry and anxiety do you think your sleep would improve?

As you might have guessed there is a strong connection with relaxation and sleep. In this stressful and busy world people have lost the ability to relax, most do not realise that tension and stress during the day can affect their ability to relax and sleep.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Sleep is Natural

Sleep is a state that your body and mind needs. Sleep isn’t optional, nor is breathing and eating. Sleep is a basic and essential part of life, every living creature sleeps, even the nocturnal ones. So how has something so simple, so essential to restoring the mind and body’s health become so difficult to achieve?

How has sleep become a waking nightmare and affected so many millions of people around the world? For a lot of people the answer lies within the world we live in; from the time we wake up we face a barrage of stress and yet we never pay attention to the early signs that the body is screaming out, and when we do, it’s too late the damage has been done.

We develop aches, pains and build excess tension which affects the mind and body, sleep is then inhibited. We block the natural process as the sub-conscious has been continuously over-ridden by the conscious mind. Sleep becomes difficult and by forcing sleep we only make it more difficult and a viscous circle develops. But what you’ll be glad to hear is that your sub-conscious still knows how to sleep.

Interested in this post? Leave me a comment :) it will be appreciated!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Sleep in Bottle

You think with all these top scientists and advance technology that someone could cure insomnia right? But what you need to understand is that insomnia is not a disease or a virus, it’s not a cancer that can be surgically removed or treated with kemo-therapy.

Like with depression and anxiety disorders it needs to be treated in the mind. Although mental disorders tend to manifest physical symptoms, the source is in the brain. But like breathing, the mind already knows how to sleep. It’s the sub-conscious that is the key to unlocking your ability to sleep, that’s the ‘sleep in a bottle’.

Our ability to naturally fall asleep has developed over thousands of years, it’s been ingrained into our DNA. It’s our conscious mind that has hindered and counteracted our ability to sleep. Even if you have suffered from insomnia for years there is hope and it can be overcome.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Revitalizing Sleep

Sleep is an important and necessary part of life, without it your mind and body cannot function to its highest potential. Sleep can give you the strength and energy you need to tackle a stressful day.

Sleep can enhance your mood, improve your health, strengthen your immune system and reduce the risk of disease. Not only that but recent studies have shown that good sleep can prolong life! People who sleep more are less likely to develop a depression, diabetes and gain weight.

If I could package sleep in a bottle and sell it, I would make millions! Just think about it, instant vitality, energy and happiness in a bottle. Those aches and pains that you suffer, those frequent headaches, the exhaustion, irritability, stress, anxiety and feelings of inability to cope could be gone.

With proper revitalizing sleep you not only feel like a different person, you are a different person! Sleep can give you life, make you feel brand new, and ready to tackle anything! If you could buy sleep in a bottle wouldn’t you? I know I would have, looking back and thinking about those hopeless and wasted days feeling stressed, exhausted and depressed.

If you are suffering or know someone who is suffering from insomnia, leave me a comment :)

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Why we sleep

Sleep is a fairly complex process which is made up of two types of sleep, REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep and non-REM sleep. REM sleep is when we dream. NREM sleep is divided into four stages.

You may find that after a good night’s sleep that you feel refreshed and energised. Sleep enables you to restore and rejuvenate many functions of the mind and body. Without sleep your immune system may weaken leaving you prone to illnesses.

Sleep seems to organize memories, as well as helping you to recover memories. It also helps restore muscular energy and release growth hormones for proper physical and mental development. Without proper sleep you may experience aches and pains, tiredness, irritability during the day and feelings of inability to cope with normal life.

Most of us experience sleeplessness during some point in our lives, however some people have suffered for months or years without any hope of regaining the ability to sleep properly. But there is hope, and there’s no need for sleeping pills or expensive treatment. You can overcome insomnia as I have done and many others using proven and effective techniques.

Stay tuned for more! Leave a comment or question, I’ll be happy to help.