Saturday, January 27, 2007

Insomnia the worldwide epidemic

Did you know that one of every three Americans has suffered from insomnia during some period in their lives? What is more shocking is that insomnia remains largely under-recognized and inadequately treated.

What is clear is that there is a severe lack of physician education about insomnia, and also the belief that sleep complaints are not important, among both patients and physicians. This obviously does not help and contributes to the fact that only 5% of Americans with sleep disorders ever seek help from their physicians.

A whopping 40% of insomniacs medicate themselves to get to sleep, more commonly with the use of over-the-counter sleep aids. For the common insomniac it would appear that there really isn’t an awful lot of help out there. It’s not a surprise that big companies are cashing in on over-the-counter sleep aids.

What people generally realise is that sleeping pills don’t cure their insomnia, but they have no choice in order to fall asleep, however brief and unrefreshing it may be. What needs to be tackled is the cause of insomnia, only then will you be able to conquer insomnia effectively.

If you have a sleep problem or know someone that does, leave a post : )

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